Categories: Dry Rot

The long-term impact of Dry Rot in your home

There are many things that can affect the structure of your home, but few are as terrifying as the dreaded dry rot. Once this fungal growth begins to affect your home, you will find that you have a serious problem. You may have heard about this issue before, but how much do you know about it? As a property owner, it is your duty to educate yourself well on this matter. That way, you can eradicate the issue before it even starts.

What is dry rot?

First of all, you ought to know just what dry rot is. In truth, few people have any idea what this fungus is and how it can affect the structure of their home. Dry rot is a brown fungal growth that tends to affect materials, such as timber. What worries people the most about this type of fungal growth is the fact that it eats away at wood. Over time, the growth will start to weaken the wooden structure of your home. When this problem begins to take effect, it could lead to catastrophic problems.

What are the signs of it?

You ought to be aware of the signs of this issue so that you can spot it fast. The sooner you identify the problem and take action, the less likely it is to cause lasting damage to your home. This type of growth starts its life as a microscopic spore. At this point, it will be almost impossible to notice. When it starts to develop, though, there are a few tell-tale signs of its existence. You might see the growth of mycelium. When you see this sign, it will be white and appear almost fluffy. You may also see ‘spore dust.’ This sign means that you will have red dots on the walls of your home. Other signs include the wood shrinking in your home and even decaying.

What impact does it have?

So, what is the big deal about this type of rot? Well, if you don’t treat the situation fast, you could be jeopardising your property. The growth can cause structural problems for your home. If you ignore the issue for a long period, you might find that this fungus destroys the structure of your house. In the long term, that could lead to the home caving in on itself. Of course, this terrible fate only happens in severe situations, but why take the risk? If you don’t do something about the rot, you could find that you need to pay thousands and thousands to repair it. The structure of your home may become weak and unstable.

Get help as soon as you can!

The moment you see any of the above signs, it’s crucial that you do something about it. Sure, it might be easier to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, but it won’t. If you value your home, you ought to do what’s best for it. That means that you need to identify and seek a solution for these issues.

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