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5 things you should know when damp proofing your home


Recent spells of weather in the UK have hit a variety of extremes, and they have led to home owners and landlords developing an increased awareness of moisture and damp issues. In the UK, periods of heavy winds and disastrous flooding hit the same areas multiple times in quick succession, wearing down existing building materials, and the inevitable consequence was that significant amounts of moisture damaged homes across the nation. Over the Atlantic, North Pole-style snowfalls and winds had a similar effect – particularly in older buildings. If damp proofing your home is necessary, there are five points that you should bear in mind.

1) In certain circumstances, it may not be necessary to apply treatment to a whole wall.
Although a membrane is a great way of treating an entire wall or surface, it may actually be more efficient for you to spend some time investigating the exact area where damp is most likely to occur. For example, if there is a high risk of moisture entering your premises at ground level, your resources and time may be better spent by adding a liquid-based solution to the lower portion of the wall.

2) Check for existing damp before commencing work.
This is closely linked to the previous point, but it is just as important. If extensive damp proofing work is carried out without checking first for existing damp, there is a chance that this moisture could be ‘locked in.’ This would render the process worthless i.e. applying a membrane to an entire wall, when there is already moisture that is working its way through the area.

3) Consider calling a specialist company for damp and building work.
Although it is possible to pick up a wide variety of damp proofing products at your local DIY or hardware store, you may lack the necessary equipment or expertise to detect existing damp that isn’t obvious to the eye. A specialist will be able to provide a comprehensive analysis of your walls and flooring, and you will also have the extra peace of mind that comes with having the work guaranteed.

4) Try to identify the exact type of damp before commencing repairs.
Different types of damp need to be approached in different ways, and failure to consider this may lead to any remedial work being ineffective. For instance, rising damp will often be treatable with injectable solutions into the wall cavity area, but penetrating damp indicates that there is external damage that will need to be addressed before damp proofing (cracks, holes etc.).

5) Consider purchasing a dehumidifier for problem areas.
Once any damp proofing work has been completed, adding a dehumidifier can keep the atmosphere moisture at a level of around 70% – this can work wonders in your home if damp is a recurring problem. If there are elements within your premises that create a lot of moisture, such as laundry facilities, this type of machine can help to prolong the life of any damp proofing work (any installed materials will naturally degrade over a long period of time).

Here at Tapco Homedry we believe in the methodology of “Do it once, do it right”. We specialise in these instances and with our expert advice and up-to-date technology we will surely put the stress behind you by working alongside with your insurance company.

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